there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm terrible with secrets

It is extremely difficult right now to do this blog since most of my life is spent doing things I can't show you or tell you about or I would risk ruining a surprise or 10. So I'll tell you a little All School Sing story instead.

This morning, we were singing the ridiculous song "Down by the Bay" which always makes me think of Raffi (not good) and this picture (terrible). If you don't know the song, there is a verse that always ends with a silly rhyming question like, "Did you ever see a moose kissing a goose... down by the bay?"

So the music teacher is roving the crowd where children had prepared silly questions for the song. We would sing the chorus and then he'd hand a kid the mic to say "Did you ever see a star driving a car?" etc. The last child he comes to is sitting on her mother's lap and halfway through her question, she clams up and covers her face. The teacher says "Take 2!" and indicates that we should sing the chorus again.

"Relax," he says. "You just have to say, 'Did you ever see a teacher kissing a creature?' Here we go."

"Did you ever see a preacher kissing a teacher?"

Perhaps a little more risque than he was going for.

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