there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The bus decision has been made (for the time being anyway)

Citing "too much commotion", Sebastian has decided he'd like to take a break from the bus for a while.

The pros:
  • He gets home 40 minutes earlier and in a better mood.
  • I have learned not to swear out loud on the drive home (unlike most Kindergartners he knows).
  • Dorian doesn't usually punch him in the car. (He waits until we get home for that.)
  • There's less guesswork involved. (Will I get to the bus stop before the bus comes? Or will I wait there for 45 minutes before it finally arrives?)

The cons:

  • Less time to hang out with parents with whom I have nothing in common other than being the parent of a public school student.
  • No standing in the rain for half hour stretches every week.

I think I can live with this decision.

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

I thought the big con was having to drive across town every afternoon. your cons sound suspiciously like pros to me.