there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, January 29, 2010

My hands are sore

I'm not sure that the 4 to 5 hours of knitting I did yesterday were entirely advisable, however I do have something to show for it.

I finished the body of my little red riding hood. Jeremy's boss gave me a ton of red yarn she decided she would never use, so I am using two strands at once to make this bulky, top-down jacket. I'm just expanding on the bulky shrug pattern that I made a while ago to add long sleeves and a hood.

And I finished my socks this morning. All that was left last night was the toe of the second sock, but the pain in my wrist at 10pm told me it was better to stop and pick it up again in the morning. I'm glad I listened to myself for a change.
And, look! They match almost exactly!

Finally, check out this scrumptious little stack:

All it needs is an ice cream cone underneath. This pile will eventually become a color work beret sample for the store. If I don't eat it first.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The bus decision has been made (for the time being anyway)

Citing "too much commotion", Sebastian has decided he'd like to take a break from the bus for a while.

The pros:
  • He gets home 40 minutes earlier and in a better mood.
  • I have learned not to swear out loud on the drive home (unlike most Kindergartners he knows).
  • Dorian doesn't usually punch him in the car. (He waits until we get home for that.)
  • There's less guesswork involved. (Will I get to the bus stop before the bus comes? Or will I wait there for 45 minutes before it finally arrives?)

The cons:

  • Less time to hang out with parents with whom I have nothing in common other than being the parent of a public school student.
  • No standing in the rain for half hour stretches every week.

I think I can live with this decision.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm ready for February

I know an awful lot of people who were quite happy to shake the dust of last year and jump into this one. I, on the other hand, have not been too pleased with January, which will be going out on the same sour note it has been playing for weeks.

True, it hasn't been all bad. I did get my ring, after all. And my little brother came to visit. But people are getting me down with all their nonsense.

  • I really need to get my child development book out and find out whether it is just seven year-olds in general or mine specifically that are such a pain in the ass. Add to that not knowing what to do about him and the nightmare that is the school bus, and parenting does not top my list of fun activities.
  • Despite my reassurances to myself, this PTA stuff just really weighs on me. And even though part of me knows that 3 months isn't a very long time, it seems like an eternity until I can get out of this gig.
  • A certain person in our family has been unwell for quite a long time, and things are looking particularly grim these days. And because of the nature of the situation, it is a very draining experience.
  • Dorian's school has announced that they will be going sledding every Tuesday for the whole month of February, thereby messing up one of only 2 days a week that he goes, because of course they want drivers and chaperones for these little excursions.
  • And I get to end the month with Jeremy leaving on a business trip for 4 days to floody California. At least I'm not dealing with poopy 10 month-old twins alone like that brave soul Mr. Listmaker.

You know, I learned from my nature program puppet show that chipmunks are dormant through the winter, lying on a pile of seeds they collected, waking only to take a little nibble here and there and fall back asleep. Doesn't that sound grand?

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I love it, Jeremy! Thank you!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Uncle Jack came to visit this weekend, which was a pretty momentous occasion. For one reason or another, we only got to see Jack twice in the first 3 and a half years of Dorian's life. But now, we've gotten to see him twice in less than a year. Yay for that! You see, he hadn't gotten around to mailing the boys' Xmas present so he decided it would be easier to just deliver it himself. (And it probably was, since it was a giant slot car track which has taken over the dining room.)
We went sledding, had a visit with my aunt Marian and my cousin Chelsea and Chelsea's son Lincoln, and just enjoyed Jack's company for the little time we had with him. Sunday we went bowling before he was on his way South again and I was off to work. And if I hadn't accidentally taken his turn once, he would have beaten me.
I hope this is the beginning of a new trend of seeing him more often. I certainly wouldn't mind going back to Chincoteague this year...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The heels on the bus

Sebastian: Mom, "A" was swearing on the bus. He got a write-up.

Me: Oh? What was he saying?

S: Well, I couldn't hear because he was at the front of the bus. I just heard the bus driver ask his name and tell him no swearing, he'd get a write-up.

M: Hmm.

S: I'm glad I couldn't hear because he might have said some swear words I don't know which would be bad because I might say them by accident later.

M: What swear words do you know?

S: Just a few. But I don't say them. That's why I'm civil.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The phone call

Yesterday morning I got one of those calls that puts you on edge, certain that there has been a death or some other tragedy. The phone call early in the morning*, serious voice at the other end of the line.

But then it was just my little brother asking if he could come visit this weekend! For which the answer could only be, "Of course!" I've got plans, lots of plans, to fit into a 36 hour period. Can't wait...

*Okay, so it was already after 9am and I was just pretending to be asleep so I could read in peace.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Still sportin' a mane

Well, suffice to say I am still Treasurer of the PTA. After a 2 and a half hour meeting, I couldn't really find a way to bow out gracefully, so here I am: still with my big blue book. However, there is no more fundraising happening for the rest of the year and that is my biggest complaint, so I couldn't exactly play that particular card. Everything else we have planned is the community building stuff that I wanted us to focus on in the first place. And I really only have to make it to the beginning of May when the next elections are held, so I'm just going to tough it out.

*muffled sob*

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

As the heel turns

I turned my heel yesterday and my gusset is all decreased*, so I'm about 1/3 of the way to a new pair of socks. I also finished my cowl, with which I am very pleased, but have no photo for you.

And if I can get over being the Cowardly Lion and follow through on my resolution number 3 for this year**, I may have some big news for you all soon.
*That's what she said.
** See previous post.