there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sock it to me!

I forced myself to finish these babies yesterday so I could retrieve my needles for a new project-- a mystery knit along. I apparently started these socks back in February (!) to use up the leftover yarn from my socks. And then I was done with one and most of the other and somehow they slipped to the bottom of the basket and the back of my mind as other more pressing matters arose. If you are my facebook friend, you already know that these socks are up for grabs. They don't fit anyone in this house, that's for sure. They are size ~6-18mos, soft machine washable and dryable wool, and available to whoever wants them.

The gray day is not ideal for photographing my new socks, so they will remain even more of a mystery to you than they are to me. But this is the yarn and here is the pattern. The way it works is that every Thursday in October there will be another part of the pattern. So right now, I only have the cuff to work on until next week, meaning I will have to also start my other project for me, my new sweater made with this yarn which is mostly charcoal but with a greenish cast.

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