there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't try to play any version of "Go to the Head of the Class" from the 60s

Not only did the one I got from the thrift store not have the booklet with the answers, it also didn't have enough questions-- but the questions it did have were too much.

Here is a sample card: (Remember that this game is for ages 8 and up)
JUNIOR: Give the Latin for the Zodiac sign "The Balance". Any 8 year old who knows this one has some hippy dippy parents or is so bored they read everything on the comics page, including the chess and bridge sections.
INTERMEDIATE: What large American city was once called Village of Shawmuu? You can just see the middle schoolers' faces when this topic came up in Social Studies. Or didn't. Did anyone learn this?
SENIOR: Name the first President of the Commonwealth of the Phillipines [sic]. Mama has less important things to know than this.

The only thing I can think is that since this was series 15, whoever was in charge was running out of things to ask about. Sort of like how the most recent editions of Trivial Pursuit have questions about who won the 3rd of the Women's Bowling Playoff pregames in 1983.

It was all worth it for a few hilarious answers from Dorian including:
Who said "Shoot if you must this old grey head, but spare my country's flag", she said? D: A goat.
What country launched the first satellite into orbit? D: Space.

1 comment:

Clockwatcher said...

That sounds ridiculous!