- Took Dorian to Little Peoples and had a cafe date with Sebastian.
- Did the last shopping of the year at Walker Farm. (Sob.)
- Made an apple pie, a pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.
- Watched Singin' in the Rain with the kids which they loved and I am so happy they loved. Dorian was crying he was laughing so hard during this scene.
- Went out with Christine, Steven and Rosemary for a little pre-holiday fortification.
- Made a 13 pound turkey. As usual followed the directions and as usual had the turkey finish cooking an hour early.
- Had a lovely meal with the kids, the husband, the in-laws and my mother.
- Made several quarts of turkey stock to put in the freezer.
- Was very tired. Can't remember anything else.
- Had a lazy rainy morning and then went to see Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was fantastic. My favorite part was when one of the characters called something a "cluster cuss".
- Made a pot pie-ish thing out of leftovers with mashed potatoes on top. Starting to be really sick of turkey.
- Played dominoes. Lost every time.
- Somehow got sucked into a show about wedding dress shopping. Can't explain it. Clearly swept up in some holiday weekend vortex.
- Took the kids ice skating. It was Dorian's first time and Sebastian's second. Sebastian's first time was when he was Dorian's age and he started screaming a quarter of the way around. Jeremy barely got him back to the door to get off the ice. Dorian's first time almost went the same way, but he relaxed at about the halfway point and ended up doing fine. I had not been on ice skates since 7th grade, so it was an exciting experience for me as well.
- Went to lunch in Greenfield and then to the Montague Bookmill-- "Books you don't need in a place you can't find."
- Had a popcorn dinner while watching Hard Day's Night. The kids also loved this one. We're riding a large wave of Beatlemania around here these days.
- Played more dominoes. Lost every game.
- Played Waterworks. Won the last game.
- Got my mother on the road. Sent Jeremy out for donuts. Breakfast of champions.
- Went to work. Tried to work on my second mystery sock which is supposed to be finished by midnight tonight if I want to enter the contest.
- Had none other than John Hodgman sitting on the couch in the store while his wife shopped for yarn and his kids all took turns needing to use the restroom. I couldn't decide whether to say anything to him, so I opted not to. Later I realized I had missed an opportunity to punch him for all the times I couldn't sleep because Jeremy was laughing so hard next to me while reading his books.
- Played more dominoes. Lost every game.
Now I need to put my fingers to a different use and get these socks done. Only 14.5 hours to go. I don't even know what I could win, but I want to dammit!