there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Tale of Two Knitties

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to knit in two very different knitting circles.

The first was more of a knitting triangle, consisting of me, Amanda, and Allegra trying to knit at my house amidst toddler chaos. Two 2 year olds and one newly 3 year old are not ideal knitting companions. It was like knitting in a room full of kittens. We made a little progress all the same, and enjoyed each other's company and some yummy bagels and muffins.

The second was the knitting circle (more of a rectangle because of the table) at the local yarn store. Generally, I think it is a nice way to escape for an hour and a half a week. I am also often surprised by who I see there. But last night, I had to listen to several of the group's members express their deep and abiding love for Scrubs and how it is one of the best written shows on TV. One person said, "It makes TV worthwhile." I bit my tongue. And I also realized that the owner has a really (or should I say reawwy) bad habit of using baby talk in general conversation with other adults. It makes my skin crawl. But I did get a lot of my knitting done.

So, on the one hand, I was trying to knit while Dorian was dive bombing from a table to the couch and tangling himself in my yarn, and on the other I was listen to someone say, "She shouldn't go outside, it's fweezing. It's fweezing out there."

Which would I rather experience again? I'll take the toddlers any day. At least they are supposed to talk like that.

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

But they don't. Toddlers do not speak in baby talk, only the mentally deranged do. Those stories make we want to wretch. We try so hard to get kids to speak normally, with proper diction and hard R sounds and then someone comes over and coos in their face, dismantling the whole project. And then to talk that way to another adult - there's no excuse unless you're missing your frontal lobe.