there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, November 23, 2009

0 for 2

Jeremy and I suck royally at finding a good movie to see in the theater. Last month was the Invention of Boring. And this month was the reinvention of boring aka Paranormal Activity. Save your money, people! Unless you are a tween, in which case you will probably think it is awesomely scary, when in fact it is not.

However, last night we found a movie that was actually scary and combined 2 elements that I am ashamed to find unsettling.
  1. Burlap sack masks (Mildly ashamed-- I think everyone can agree they are creepy.)
  2. Caves (Somewhat ashamed-- They're just geography. Or geology. Either way, they probably shouldn't freak me out so much.)

So, this little gem is called The Orphanage and is available on Netflix Instant if you are interested. In addition to the aforementioned creepiness, there's the "mother with a secret", the "impossibly large house with too many rooms to get lost in", the "kid who has imaginary friends who might be ghosts" and the "weird, bespectacled old lady" to keep you on edge. I screamed at least once, maybe twice, where I spent a lot of time yawning during the other films.


Flapdoodle said...

Bob watched that over the course of a few days a while back. I kept getting sucked in despite not wanting to watch a scary movie, and he would have to explain what was going on. It was damn scary. And then sad.

princess cortney said...

dustin was telling me about this movie while we walked up a dark road to go get dinner one night. i was petrified from just his description. you are ballsier than me to watch it. i am scared. he did like it though. tell that crispin they may have one movie in common. :)