there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gimme a break

Give me a break and you know what I'll do with it? Waste it.

This morning Dorian went off to camp and Sebastian went to a friend's house for the morning which left me with 2 and a half solid hours of alone time. Time when I should have been giving myself a pedicure while watching crappy TV. Or reading a mystery novel and eating chocolates. Or just enjoying the silence.

Except that is not at all what happened. I said goodbye to the boys, and I vacuumed. Then I balanced the checkbook and paid some bills and filled out some forms. Then I realized what I was doing and squeezed in 20 minutes of stupid TV and 4 rows of the sweater. Then I realized I would not be able to go straight to the lake after picking up the boys if I didn't hurry up and make lunch and pack the suits and towels. So I started dinner (you know I always need to add at least one unnecessary task to the load), got the lunch and stuff together and had a quick conversation with our house painter and hit the road.

Chore time: 2 hours, 10 minutes
Me time: 20 minutes

I'm a fool.

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