there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Making headway

I resolved that this weekend I would complete a project because I am feeling a little overwhelmed by how many I have going currently. I also wanted to make progress on a couple more and have been pretty successful so far.

Yesterday, I inadvertently participated in Worldwide Knitting in Public Day by taking my summer sweater project to the lake. I am close to finishing the back, and that is certainly progress.

Then I came home and worked on my shirt for a while until the machine fought back and I surrendered. I got up this morning and finished the hemming by hand, which is actually the proper way to do it and the machine was really just stopping me from cheating. Remember, kids, cheaters never win.

So here it is:

I took on the bias tape and the interfacing and I survived. One project down, one million to go... Pardon me while I go back to stripping wallpaper.

1 comment:

Clockwatcher said...

Cute top Allison! Well done.