there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I am a renovation addict and I have the best enablers ever

Jeremy was right. I do have a total addiction to working on this house. I can't help myself at all anymore. Yesterday was my little painting party in which we painted the walls in the boys' room and in the kitchen. The kitchen unfortunately needs another coat, but the boys' room only needs minor touching up. The bonus last night was that Dustin and Rob managed to get themselves caught in my little web and helped entirely strip the wallpaper off of Jeremy's and my bedroom's walls. Oh yes, that job is done. We finished up at about 11:30 last night. I didn't fall asleep until 1am.

I was back at the new house at 7:30 this morning. Yes, folks, I have an obsession. I realized that between the sleep deprivation and the paint fumes that I was really starting to lose my mind when I found myself thinking that it would be really cute if the house had a mouse hole. Someone needs to save me from myself.

Now, having accomplished a little more than 11 hours work in a 22 hour period, it is time to work on the other project: getting Sebastian into school. Kindergarten registration for stragglers is tomorrow morning. This is what they are making me bring him to despite my refusal to register him for anything other than 1s grade. The negative woman I have been dealing with told Jeremy on the phone that I will not be able to talk to anyone about Sebastian's abilities and needs, but she is going to be wrong. We'll see what happens. Considering Sebastian changed his mind again this evening and now doesn't want to go to school, anything is possible.

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