there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Photos you've all been waiting for

I actually remembered the camera today, so I can show you all just what we've been up to as far as the work required on the house. I had 2 awesome helpers today without whom I would have accomplished practically nothing. So, thank you thank you thank you, Diane and Amanda!

Remember this floor? This is the living room. The behemoth floor sander, which fooled me by looking like my mother's old Hoover, was practically impossible to lift, so it definitely wasn't making it to the second floor bedrooms. It was going to be the living room, or nothing at all, in terms of sanding, so I got started.
This is about all I managed. The light brown edging was some sort of paint that, instead of sanding away, got all gummy and ruined the sandpaper. It was expensive sandpaper. So, I avoided that paint and then gave up completely.
At which point, I turned around to discover this apparition on the wall. That door had always been open previously, so I never noticed it until today. Creepy!
I abandoned the living room for a slightly easier project-- the hallway. Note the hideous blue flooring. I'm not entirely sure what it was made of, but it came up quite easily.
Leaving me with this wood flooring which, despite needing a paint job, is infinitely nicer than that blue mess.
And as for the boys' room, it is almost done thanks to Amanda (and to Di for watching the kids). I thought Amanda was just going to stop by and take a peek, but then she hustled me with the old "I've never stripped wallpaper before; is it hard?" and then did a whole wall by herself in record time. She's terrific like that.
I drastically underestimated the amount of spackle I would need, using half the container on just the long wall (at right). But this whole thing is a learning experience and I'm loving every filthy, dusty minute of it. After 7+ hours of work today, though, I am beat.
Tomorrow, I will try not to accomplish anything other than phone calls until Jeremy comes home. Then, we prime the boys' room!


Crispin H. Glover said...

Don't believe a word she types! She's a liar! She was out the door before 8 am today to meet a roofer and start spackling. Then she collected the boys at 8:45 and whisked them over the house for more work. This home renovation is like crack to her.

q said...

that "wall apparition" is terrifying. i'm glad to see you are taking before photos because it will be so satisfying to look at when your house is finished. keep up the good work!