there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, October 17, 2008

I am surviving

So far, I have made it through more than half of Jeremy's current business trip. The mornings have mysteriously been easier with him gone, but the nights have been, well, nightmarish.

That Sebastian, like his father, seems to think sleeping is for suckers and pitches a huge fit every night. Or he just gets rude and unpleasant and makes me want to leave the room without kissing him goodnight. That almost happened on Wednesday but when I made for the door he cried, "Oh, Mama! Please don't leave! You are one of my favorite people! I'm sorry! Thank you for the advice." I couldn't very well deny him a kiss then. The advice? Don't be a rude boy.

It, of course, didn't stop the kids from waging war while I tried to talk to a friend and make dinner yesterday. I asked Sebastian to do his spelling homework, so what was Dorian's response to his compliance? Throwing a metal milk can at his brother's head. Awesome. Then he was punching me and throwing things. And laughing hysterically like a little devil. While I was dealing with that situation, Sebastian took the opportunity to run off without finishing his sentences.

I seriously considered walking out the door and not turning back. However, I have put too much time and effort into this house over the last 2 months to leave it behind. And if I tried tossing the kids out on the street, they would have just come crying at the door again, so I was forced to work it out. Maybe next time it will be worth the drive to Nebraska.

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