there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scenes from a nature program

Today I braved the wilds of Sebastian's 1st & 2nd grade classroom to introduce the kids to the wonder of leaves. Leaves-- the food factories of the plant. The fundamental components of all the food we eat.

I think there was definitely too much information packed into the hour I had with their little 5 to 8 year old minds. They started to lose it a little toward the end.

Our final activity, after the puppet show, scavenger hunt, and leaf rubbings, was a quick discussion of how we can thank a green plant for all of our favorite foods. What follows is a sampling of the conversation. [Initials are substituted to protect the innocents.]

Me: So, who has a favorite food? A?

A: Ummm.... [long pause] Mac and cheese!

Me: Now do you think we can thank a plant for mac and cheese?

Kids: Noooooo!!!!!

Me: Well, let's think about what it's made of. Noodles are made of flour and water. And flour is made from wheat which is a plant. Who knows where cheese comes from? M?

M: Goats!

Teacher: Okay... or?

S: Cows!

Me: Right. So we can get cheese from goats, cows or even sheep. And they all eat grass so that they can grow and make milk. Who else has a favorite food? M2?

M2: Tomatoes.

Me: Okay! Now that's an easy one. B, you know what plant we can thank for tomatoes, right?

B: One in a garden?

Me: Yes. Which plant grows tomatoes?

B: [blank stare]

Me: The tomato plant. What is your favorite food?

B: Pasta.

Me: Okay, so we talked about noodles before. Do you remember what they are made of?

B: Ham?

Me: No... but you could eat ham with your pasta.

B: Hamburgers?

Me: No. Pasta is made from flour which...

D: Pasta is made of power?

Me: No, flour. Okay, what if I told you my favorite food was chicken nuggets [not true]? What are chicken nuggets made of?

G: Chicken.

Me: Right. And what do you think chickens eat? C?

C: Umm... chickens?

Me: No, chickens don't usually eat other chickens. M?

M: Corn.

Boy, was that an adventure! It was funny to see how nothing has really changed in school. There are the kids who raise their hands even if they have no clue what the answer, or even the question, is. There are the kids who never raise their hands. There are the kids who demand a lot of your attention. And there are the kids you don't even realize were in the group until ten minutes before you leave. It's a crazy place, school. My hat is off to my teacher friends! I'd forgotten how nutty it can be.

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

i really like mac and chee, too. i think these kids are on my level. finally, more geniuses to surround my self with. who knew they would be so short? only quinn, i guess. the little ones always know. :)