there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, October 3, 2008

My new theory

The other day, I decided that Sarah Palin was nominated because the Republicans want to prove they can have someone dumber than W elected to a high office.

But this morning, I realized that this has been Republican policy for as long as I have been aware politically. They seem to like the combination of an older man with a questionable psychology and a "likable" doofus.

Reagan/Bush: Bumbling old fool for Pres, former CIA agent prone to weeping for VP

Bush/Quayle: see above for Pres, spelling-impaired young'un for Veep

GW/Cheney: drunken, born-again with fake accent for Prez, creepy psychopath for VP

McCain/Palin: POW "maverick" for Pres, completely uninformed small time clown for VP

It has been a pretty successful MO for them so far.

And I was disappointed to hear so many women supporting her while I was at the dentist this morning. The woman is just plain not prepared to do this job. If she weren't so ignorant, I would think it was great that she had been nominated. She's a woman who doesn't come from a privileged background. She would be the embodiment of the whole "anyone could be President" ideal that we are spoon-fed as elementary school students. But she is the perfect example of why just "anyone" shouldn't be.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

yeah, i watched that too last night. amazing how manipulative the selection of Palin really is: picking a woman with the hopes of drawing voters previously supportive of Hillary (one of the most ridiculous things i've heard), and choosing someone "outside of DC politics." Not to mention how often they dangle her dumb union working, snowmobiling husband in front of voters. The whole debate I was just thinking; it looks like she's struggling to prove she understands - that's not good. I don't want a candidate that has to prove to me they are not as dumb as the rest of us. I thought Biden was good. Clearly the more informed and less coached of the two. but darn it, she's just so doggone in touch with my meaningless life, that i think she should be in charge of getting our country off the brink of disaster. give me a break!

i better stop now. oh, and guess what? i got a job yesterday!! woohoo!

q said...

if she is VP i'm going to need more than just a shot of tequila to be able to stomach her.

Crispin H. Glover said...

princess cortney said...

i am floored by the fact that republicans think women, as a race, are so stupid that they would support a candidate simply because she has a vagina. because i have a vagina, do they think i have no brain? it is amazing what a little circus dog that woman is. and she is mean. i hope people do not honestly think that all women are that nasty and mean. she gives merrit to the argument that women are moody and fickle. i am sad that the one republican that i would give any merit to thinks i will vote for him simply because he has a woman on his ticket. i wish he thought more of me as a woman. it is insulting. also at what point in that debate did she answer any of the questions. i think in 2012, i will run. if that woman gets any votes, i am a shoe in. you want to be on my ticket? langford paquette 2012. we have 2 vaginas between us. that has to count for something.