there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why I don't have two kids one year apart

Yesterday I watched 2 year old Davy for Amanda and Nathan while they closed on some land in Marlboro. (Congrats again!) Everything was going smoothly until we were almost done with lunch.

Davy announced he needed to poop. I take him to the bathroom and place him on the toilet. So far so good.

Dorian yells that he needs something. I step out of the bathroom (which adjoins the kitchen) to cater to the almost 3 year old. Finishing that, I turn back to the bathroom to find...

Davy has fallen in the toilet! He's just a head and feet sticking out. He didn't yelp or anything! Suppressing the urge to laugh, I pull him out and dry him off. Just as I get him settled on the seat again, I hear...

"Mama, I need to pee! I mean, I did pee." I return to the kitchen to find wet pants and a puddle. I take Dorian into the bathroom to clean him up and put him on the little potty on the off chance he still needed to relieve himself a little.

The scene ends with the 2 toddlers sitting side by side on their potties yelling, "Conk on the ___!" (insert anything you can see, ie. shower curtain, sink, towel, floor)

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