there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, October 10, 2008

Look what I did today!

I overcame my fear of electrical current long enough to install a new programmable thermostat. It works. I did it myself in about 30 minutes. And it claims it could save me up to 33% on my energy bills. We'll see about that. What I'm looking forward to is having it turn the heat on a half hour before we wake up. That, I'm hoping, will prevent the children from wearing hats to the breakfast table and crying about how cold they are. Hello new programmable thermostat!
And goodbye old lady thermostat! (Now if I could just say goodbye to that terrible wallpaper...)


Anonymous said...

I like that wallpaper!

princess cortney said...

could the old thermostat be whacked with that swanky hammer in the next photo you put up here? that would be great!