there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, February 16, 2009

Passive aggression... with Cheetos

Jeremy wanted me to write about this and when I asked him why he couldn't just write about it his own blog, he was all, "But my blog is about music." To which I replied, "There's probably music in the background." But maybe there isn't. I don't know.

Anyway, have you seen those crazy Cheetos commercials? They encourage you to join the "Orange Underground" by passive-aggressively using greasy, neon orange "cheese" snacks.

Annoying, talkative mom at soccer practice? Wipe your cheesy hands on her sweater.
Don't feel like working today? Stuff yourself full of spicy MSG until your eyes water and the boss sends you home.
Obnoxiously loud cell phone user at the sidewalk cafe? Throw some Cheetos under her chair and see what happens.

All of this is creepily instigated by Chester "the Molester" Cheetah. Bizarre, to be sure. I think they are trying to be the new BK.

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