there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday? Try Foursday.

I don't really know how it happened that Tuesdays have become so completely overloaded. Some of it is coincidence, some of it is foolishness (on my part), and some of it is certainly avoidable, but somehow Tuesdays are hoppin'.

Tuesdays always include:
  • All School Sing-- avoidable, but fun.
  • Little Peoples-- also avoidable, it could happen on Wednesday, but the total terror girl goes on Wednesday and I like Dorian so I don't want to torture him.
  • Meeting Christine for coffee-- part and parcel with Little Peoples, therefore avoidable, but why would I want to?
  • After School Program-- foolishness, I really should have signed him up for Thursdays.

Once a month, Tuesdays include:

  • PTA meeting-- arguably avoidable, definitely a coincidence since it used to be Mondays or Wednesdays.
  • Nature Program-- avoidable, but fun, and I once thought it was foolishness but it really wasn't, and also a coincidence that Tuesday is the one afternoon the teacher has time for it.

So what this means is that if I choose to go to All School Sing, then I could potentially be at school 4 times in one day if the PTA and nature program fall on the same Tuesday. That is exactly what happened last month. And I had food poisoning.

Today, I had All School Sing, then Literacy Breakfast in Sebastian's class, straight to Little Peoples, run to coffee shop, gab and sip, pick up Dorian, head home for quick bite to eat and a practice puppet show, off to school to do nature program, help the sub get the kids ready for dismissal, head home, complain to Jeremy for 20 minutes before he heads back to pick Sebastian up from the After School Program. Chaos!

Other than the PTA, I am happy about all the Tuesday events. I just wish I could spread the love around my week a little more.

1 comment:

Flapdoodle said...

You have what we call"taffy pull" syndrome. It's one of those catch-phrases Bob and I have that is hard to explain and will probably not translate, but what the hell, I will anyway, and besides, perhaps Jeremy can help track down the song from which it originates.

One summer I was listening to an AM radio station that plays REAL oldies. Not The Dave Clark Five, but that warbly old shit from the early fifties.

I heard this song ONCE--it was a Connie Francis-type singer, possibly CF herself singing:
Call me on Sunday, make it after three...then she goes on to list ALL THE DATES AND ACTIVITIES that she has to do that weekend. A busy gal who barely has time to date another fella. But she's willing to squeeze him in.

At one point in the song she mentions " On Tuesday I've got the taffy pull..." I pissed myself laughing the one time I heard it and would love it if somehow it came my way again.

It's the perfect way to describe an over-packed day or series of days.