there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good gracious!

Well, our gracious guests left around 4 after our wild and crazy* barbecue/carnival. Flapdoodle left me a copy of a knitting magazine from about 4 years ago which she was not currently using. Now, I did not find anything in there that I could use with the yarn I have on hand, but it did remind me that I need to get myself in gear if I am ever going to have my summer sweater. And summer starts soon. We have already had several 90+ degree days here, so I need to get a move on.

I pulled out all my appropriate books and magazines and finally settled on a pattern. It is simple and it works with my yarn. And look, my yarn matches my rhododendrons-- bonus!

Here's the trouble. That Debbie Bliss may be able to design some beautiful sweaters, but that woman can't do math for shit. The back is supposed to be 18.25" across. The gauge of the sweater is 22 stitches to 4". You cast on 115 stitches to start the back. According to my math, that would be just over 20". So, guess what? I'll be altering this pattern, too.

*Not really, but there is a hole in the kiddie pool now. Does that count?

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

only in vermont, would you need a summer sweater. but i love that color. it will be fabulous!