there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, May 22, 2009

We're ALL crazy

Our garden, Wednesday: Dorian holds an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie in his hand.

Me: Do you guys want to pick some radishes for dinner?

Boys: Yeah!

Me: Dorian, which color do you want to pick?

Dorian: Purple.

Me: Okay. You can pick this one. Sebastian, what color do you want to pick?

Sebastian: Red.

At this point, I look up to see that Dorian has taken a bite out of the radish he just pulled out of the ground and has dirt/mud all over his mouth and chin. He doesn't even like radishes. Did he forget which hand held the cookie? Or is he just nuts?


Also Wednesday, after a trip to the river wherein Christine's wallet went missing and we feared it stolen.

Sebastian: You know, Dad, we stopped in at the police station on the way home. I bet the police are lining up the suspects now.

No, but how optimistic. Lucky for her, no one has tried to use the cards at all so it seems to just be lost and not in the hands of criminal masterminds.


Today, approximately 8:50am.

Jeremy volunteered to chaperone Sebastian's field trip to a farm an hour and a half away. He will be driving the minivan loaded with Flapdoodle's son, the boy who skipped school and had to be tracked down by police, and Sebastian. This is the same crew I drove (+Dorian) for their other field trip to the co-op which, shockingly, I did not blog about. This trip resulted in my children, who were riding in the middle seats, being reclined onto the laps of Flapdoodle Junior and the Skipper. This happened during a 5 minute drive.

Having some idea of the insanity he was in for, Jeremy asked Flapman to ride shotgun, but as far as I know Flapman had to back out at the last minute. Keep the man in your thoughts and prayers today, please.


As for me, I have a little new evidence of my own lack of sanity for you. Next Wednesday is the election for new officers for the PTA next year. I will be on the ballot for Treasurer. If I am elected, I will have to go to every meeting. (I already do, but I have had a pretty easy out up until now.)


If you spot any of our lost minds, please return them at your earliest convenience.

1 comment:

Flapdoodle said...

Flapman update: he's doing ok. insurance called and it looks the matter will be dealt with by them, very little involvement from us. still. tension city.