there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ready for a shocker?

Last night, Jeremy and I went out for our anniversary. Not that shocking yet, but bear with me. We went to a real restaurant where there were no children in sight, no burritos on the menu, and there definitely weren't any meals that came with a toy.

How we managed to have a date where we didn't feel like teenagers is anyone's guess. (We'll ignore that my top came from Forever 21.)

And if I were to be entirely truthful, which we all know is difficult for me, the only real reason we were in a real restaurant is that my mother sent us some random gift certificates to 5 places we've never been, including 2 in Wilmington. We decided to head over that way because spending an hour driving would ensure that we would not somehow end up at home before the children's bedtime.

So we had a real meal with soup, salad, an entree, and the worst chocolate cake I've ever had. Then, we drove slowly past the bowling alley long enough to realize we had no intention of going there. Then we drove over to Keene, decided against seeing any of the movies and then went to the outdoor ice cream place for a "Fancy Frappe"--- with a bunch of teenagers.

We're working on it. One day we'll actually be old and boring and we'll dream of mini-golf and Burger King dates.

1 comment:

Flapdoodle said...

how odd that I have never read the two links, yet made a joke about how if you two went to New England House with your coupon that it would come off like a freshman prom date.

Actually, I initially thought of the scene in fast times at ridgemont high in the german restaurant when I imagined you two in there.

you both look so youthful, I guess it's your fates to have teen-scene dates. I know you think you broke the spell, but don't tell me you aren't gonna be putting through a windmill and eating creamies with rainbow sprinkles ever again.