there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not the best judgment

Oh, that Sebastian! So full of independent spirit, overflowing with ideas, enthusiastic... It is going to get him in trouble one day.

Yesterday, disregarding the 3 inches of snow still covering my garden, I dragged Dorian to the Agway to buy a cultivator and some seeds before we went to pick Sebastian up at 4:30 from his after school program. It was the last day of the session and he was excited. We finish our shopping, I with my veggies and Dorian with his handful of flower seed packets, and get in the car at 4:10 to drive the 5 minutes to school. As I pull onto the highway, I think to myself, "I hope that kid didn't get himself on the bus today."

I walk in the lobby, and Tim, the director, interrupts his conversation to come over to me. "Oh my goodness, we almost lost Sebastian today! I had to go from bus to bus, calling his name, but he didn't answer... and then I spotted the moose hat." Now, instead of being annoyed that it is the only hat he is willing to wear, I need to be thankful or this story would have turned out a little differently. Thanks to Tim's sharp eyes, Sebastian was taken off the bus and to his classroom and not left to get off at his bus stop to find no Mama, Hott or otherwise. Apparently, he was so wrapped up in making plans with Flapdoodle's son to put on a play and build a mind reading machine, that both of them got on the bus when neither of them should have.

Crisis averted. And if you are now wondering how big a crisis it really would have been for him to ride the bus home to an empty house, let me just clue you in. When Jeremy came home and I told him what his son had done, we decided a chat with Sebastian about what to do in that situation was long overdue. So, we asked him, "Sebastian, what would you have done if you had ridden the bus all the way home and Mama wasn't at the bus stop or at home?"

"I would have walked to Daddy's work so he could drive me home and let me in."

Daddy's work is at least a 2 mile walk past the Drop In Center and the crazy lady's house, up the Main Street, across a bridge over the West River to where there is no sidewalk in strip mall central, and finally into an industrial park. The boy has initiative for certain. Common sense? Not so much.


Anonymous said...

That is so what his Uncle Jack would have come up with.


Anonymous said...

When I was in first grade I missed the buis leaving school and decided to walk home. It was a 3 1/2 mile walk over a big hill and across a 50mph highway. Why nobody noticed that neither I nor the very overweight kid who lived on a farm near my house were on the bus or leaving the school unattended is beyond me. Luckily this was in Chester and we both got home safely. My mother nearly had a heartattack though!

Hott Mama said...

The thought of him trying to cross Putney Road gives me a serious case of the vapors.

I am glad you made it home safely. At least your girl had the sense to sit on the porch and cry!