there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yesterday afternoon

Sebastian: I'd really like to go for a bike ride this afternoon.

Me: [totally psyched that this is now even an option, (Spring!) but thinking about the pizza dough rising in the kitchen] Umm... let me think. I'm making pizza... let me see what time it is...

S: Ooo! I have an idea! Oh, no... I guess that wouldn't work.

M: Tell me what it is and then we can see what would work about it. That's how we can compromise.

S: No. I just think it wouldn't work.

M: Just tell me!

S: Well, I was thinking that you could just go ahead and make dinner and I could go for a ride by myself.

We do not even let him walk home from the bus stop alone, and he wants to ride his bike alone. In the street. The same bike that he has to be constantly reminded to ride on the side and not in the middle of the road.

M: You're right. That will not be happening. But I just remembered that Daddy will be a little late, so if I go punch down the dough now, we have time for a ride.

S: Yay!

M: This will give you another chance to practice the rules of riding your bike, so one day you can ride alone.

I punch down the dough, haul out the bike and helmet and Dorian's trike, and off we go. Multiple reminders to move over and we have made it around the neighborhood with 2 blocks left until we are home. Dorian and I are lagging behind. Sebastian approaches the "busy" cross street, looks both ways, and crosses without waiting for us.

Yeah, he will not be riding alone any time soon. At least he got the "look both ways" part right.

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