there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Riddle me this

Sebastian wrote some riddles today. Here they are with our guesses:

1. I am something you wear, with holes and made out of cloth. What am I?
Guesses: t-shirt, mask, pants
Correct answer: a pair of socks (Jeremy wins)
Is this a hint that I need to do more mending? I hope not.

2. I have wheels. You ride on me. What am I?
Guesses: A shirt (Dorian, apparently stuck on the first riddle), a car, a "wheel boat" (Dorian), a trike, a "wheel boarder" (Sebastian somehow understood that Dorian meant a lawnmower)
Correct answer: a bike (Jeremy is 2 for 2)

3. I heat up your room. I am a machine. I have a screen. What am I?
Guesses: a space heater, the vent in the floor, the furnace, the sun, the window, the TV
Correct answer: a thermostat
No one got this right, and Sebastian needed clarification on the actual function of the thermostat.

4. I do not like water. I am boiling. What am I?
Guesses: maple syrup, the sun, a fire
Correct answer: flames
Again, Sebastian needed a little clarification, but Jeremy did figure out what he was going for.

5. I hate cold. I hide from big things. What am I?
Guesses: Mama: "Quinn" Sebastian: "It's very small." Mama: [again, with feeling] "Quinn"
Correct answer: a mouse
I'm not sure how I got that one, but I did.

Final score: Hott Mama 1, Cool Daddy 3

The paper is numbered, optimistically, up to 23. We'll see what the riddler comes up with next...


Anonymous said...

Strangely Stella got #4 right ion the first guess...

q said...

i think your WERE right!

q said...

wait, what big thins do i hide from?... besides adulthood.