there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coming to fruition

Finally, some of my work is paying off. Last night we had a salad that came entirely from our garden. Granted, like some chintzy restaurants, there was only one cherry tomato for each of us, but damn it, I grew those tomatoes. So that was pretty exciting.

And after making some cowboy cookies with Dorian (yum!) I finished the right front of my summer sweater, making a grand total of 3 finished pieces.

And assuming that my plan works out (which, based on recent experience, it will not) I will be going to knitting circle tonight and getting a solid start on the sleeves. I'm hoping this sweater is flattering; I know it is soft and silky, and I know I like the color. But I'll tell you what, for such a simple looking sweater, it has been kind of annoying to knit. I have to note every fucking row on a slip of paper the entire time. There are no stretches of just mindless knitting. I don't like that one bit. This is the second sweater in a row from this book that I have not loved knitting, the other being the orange baby jacket. When Dorian and I were out yesterday, he chose some yarn for sweaters for himself (yellow) and for Sebastian (charcoal gray) which I plan on designing myself for maximum enjoyment.

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