there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Foiled again!

Yesterday I checked the radar, felt sufficiently confident that we had at least a couple of hours of "sun" and whisked the kids off to the lake. This year, the beach we go to has gotten a raft for everyone to dive from, much like the one that Clockwatcher and her man will remember from our trip to Ossipee.

Ever since I spotted the raft floating out beyond the last set of ropes, I have been dying to get out to it. So yesterday the kids wanted me to take them out there and I said we'd see if we could, but the conditions were not favorable, IE. Sebastian was whining about the cold, the lifeguards had abandoned the chair that is halfway to the raft, and I was smart enough to see the folly in taking 2 small children who cannot swim on their own way out into the water. So I took them back in, bundled them in towels, secured Amanda and Allegra's help in occupying my children and prepared myself for a quick swim out to the raft for one dive, and back to the beach.

That's all I wanted, but it was apparently too much to ask. I had one toe dipped in the water when [rumble rumble] and the lifeguard picks up the megaphone, "Thunder! Everyone out of the water!" prompting Allegra's husband to tell me that God did not want me to go to the raft. Now I know why I should have been going to church all these years.

And today's page-a-day calendar says:
If the first of July be rainy weather, ’Twill rain mair or less for forty days together.

Guess what it's doing today.


Flapdoodle said...

Why is God always in your shit?

Hott Mama said...

Nothing better to do, I guess.