there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, July 12, 2009

That extra t should be a capital one

I am considering officially changing my name to "HotT Mama" because I am that tired. However, that is so completely aesthetically offensive that I will not.

Four nights in a row of going to bed way too late, and each one later than the last, is making for one Mole-faced Mama. I'm asking myself why I even bothered going to sleep at all at 3:30 this morning, but I know the answer: because I'd be puking now if I hadn't.
Besides, when you go to sleep on time or (dare to dream!) early, you miss things like this:

Congratulations Rob and Quinn! I think when people simultaneously lift you up on chairs you are officially stuck with each other. Which is totally not the worst thing in the world.

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