there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mystery solved!

Many months ago, my darling duo came to me with my camera in hand complaining that it "didn't work". That was probably because the lens, which extends when the camera is turned on, was at a 45 degree angle. Of course, neither of them did it, but Sebastian suspected Dorian.

Well, Jeremy decides to have it fixed as a present to me for my birthday (probably so he wouldn't have to hear me whine anymore about being forced to use the other camera). A month later, it was ready for pick-up. On Friday we retrieved it and, lo and behold, there were a few pictures on the card.

Pictures of what? you may ask. Oh, just pictures of Dorian. Pictures that could only have been taken by one short person I know. And yet somehow I have been convinced to bake that boy a cherry pie from scratch...

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