there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I have hit the wall

Every winter, I listen to people moan and complain about the snow and I internally yell at them, "Why do you f*cking live in VT, you moron?!" until somewhere around mid-March when I finally get completely worn down by the white stuff.

Now I have finally been beaten by the wet stuff. Yesterday was somewhat rough in the morning, but the rain ended in plenty of time for Sebastian's track and field and I got to do a few laps with a friend, so I managed to perk up a bit. Then I woke to the sound of yet another torrential downpour this morning.

I can't take it! It is water torture!

I stood at the window gazing mournfully at the soggy mess until Jeremy asked if I was "waiting for someone to swim by." Then I almost started crying when someone on the radio said "...former President James Garfield" and Sebastian said, "James Garfield?! He used to be President!" and Jeremy made some comment about my prison sentence was being trapped in the house in the rain with a 6 year old.

I have committed no crime. Why am I being punished?


Anonymous said...

We're all in this together. I am making the best of it by doing indoor projects. So far I have cleaned the small garage, gone through a ton of old paperwork and reorganized the filing cabinet (I found Jeremy's hand print from 1984 which enrolled him in the crime prevention program in Utah). Now I'm about to tackle the closets. So far I've filled a couple of boxes with yard sale items.


Flapdoodle said...

Jeremy has a record in Utah??

Crispin H. Glover said...

Is Joseph Smith says do it, I do it, no questions asked.