there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The (barely tempered) excitement

I'm still trying not to count my chickens, but there are a few things I'm really looking forward to about this house.
  1. I will have a real garden. A garden with ample sunlight. A garden big enough for everything I want to plant. Fruits, vegetables, herbs-- all of it. You have no idea how happy this makes me.
  2. There will be color on my walls. No more "cream" with white trim. Hell, no. My only fear is that I will obnoxiously over-color everything. But, so what? The boys have picked their room color, we've settled on the kitchen color, so now we need one for our bedroom. I want it to coordinate with the blanket I'm knitting, but it has a lot of neutrals and I don't want a neutral, but a hot pink room? I don't know. Make a suggestion!
  3. The bedrooms will be upstairs. I'm hoping this means a lot less trouble with living room activity disturbing those trying to sleep. Having our bedrooms connected to the living room these last few years hasn't been all bad, but neither has it been good.
  4. A first floor laundry! In our last three places, the laundry has been at the top of a ladder, at the end of the group of town houses, and in a dirt basement. None of these was ideal. I'll even be able to set up my sewing machine in there.
  5. An extra bedroom will be very nice. Whether we split the kids up, or have a play room or a guest room, the extra space will be appreciated.

I'm sure there are more good things, but those are uppermost in my mind. So many projects to plan! I love to plan!

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

i am more happy for you guys than you could ever imagine. i am sad that you will not be my neighbor in three years, but maybe by then you will be ready to move--again. a princess can hope!