there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What a summer!

The summer continues to fly by, and the projects (completed and yet to be) continue to pile up. After our usual Tuesday trip to the lake, we stopped off for our CSA pick up. This week, we got to reap the benefits of the Rupard vacation by taking their share. (They get ours next week.) We also got to reap the benefits of PYO organic blueberries. Thanks to the extra bounty, we now have a few more items to add to the pantry. Two jars of peaches and four jars of blueberries and one jar of blueberries and peaches have been added to the cabinet temporarily. Temporarily, you ask? Why, yes, I answer because...
We have the craziest month ever ahead of us. We go to the ocean for a week, come home for 2 days, and then close on the new house! That laughable appraisal slipped by the mortgage company, so we can, in fact, buy the house. Here's the new twist: Jeremy leaves the next day for a business trip for 4 days. But, that helps me justify clearing out for IKEA the day after he gets back. Then, we have a week to prepare the house to move in, 5 days to get settled/clean out the old apartment, and then we're off for 3 days of camping. And if I can find time to sign Sebastian up for school, he would start the day after that.
Crazy! We are crazy. Or we will be when this is all over.


princess cortney said...

tell me what i can do to help. scrape walls, paint? i am handy with a drill, though not a hammer. say the word

q said...

yeah anything you need we can help with- and i am always up for a trip to ikea!