there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, July 25, 2008

Conversation with Sebastian

Me: So, I have some good news. I heard from the mortgage company today that the appraisal was better than expected. That means we should be able to buy the house!

Sebastian: Yay!!!

M: Are you excited?

S: Yes!

M: What are you most excited about?

S: We won't have neighbors!

M: Well, we'll still have neighbors. We just won't have upstairs neighbors.

S: Yeah! No upstairs neighbors!

M: What else are you excited about?

S: Going to the ocean, The White Pants... and I like turtles.

M: ...

1 comment:

jamie said...

he's right, turtles rule. cool recent turtle story with accompanying scary pictures: