there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It only took 8 days

I have admitted, here and elsewhere, that my expectations for summer camp were kind of low. I do, in theory, love our town for its diversity of philosophies, parenting and otherwise. But in practice it can be a bit unpleasant, which is why I usually avoid the park where camp is held. I did assume that most of the kids going to this camp, which costs over $100 less than the other camps, would be a big bunch of hooligans with poor or cheapskate parents (such as myself).

This has not proved to be true. There has been one kid in each of Sebastian's packs that seems like a total butthead. Everything has been fine. But, like I said, I had certain expectations for the bizarre and unruly. Well, this morning they were met.

Camp was beginning at the skating rink because of rain. I walk in with the kids, Sebastian proudly dressed as a pirate in pajamas (it is Wacky Wednesday after all). What is on a ledge inside the door? A squirrel pelt, complete with head. What the f***!

Then, we run into a 7 year old drinking a caffeinated soda on his way in. At 9am.

Now, that's what I've been waiting for.

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