there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lucky day

So, yesterday while Sebastian was at camp, a glorious thing happened. I was talking to Christine on the phone (surprise, surprise) when I noticed how quiet my house was.

Dorian tucked himself into bed... and took a nap! A 2 hour nap!

I have not had one child away and one child napping for a year and a half. It was amazing! I did all the cliche Mom things, and one not so cliche thing. Yes, I sat on the couch and watched a little soap opera while having a piece of chocolate. I started and screwed up some knitting. Then, I played Zelda until Dorian woke up.

What a precious time. A time I may never have again. Unless Sebastian actually does go to school and Dorian magically realizes he needs more sleep than he gets...


Anonymous said...

You used to do that regularly. He's smart like his mama - knows what he needs.


q said...

thank heaven for small miracles