there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

People are stoopid

In our mail today was a letter from a charity requesting a donation. Included was our "gift" of address labels. But there was also a nickel along with the statement, "This nickel could save a child's life."

So why the hell are they sending it to me?

Not only are they mailing cash to me unsolicited, but they probably had to pay more postage to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's more than one charity out there that sends you a nickel. I have received them from at least three different charities. It's quite a quandry as to what to do with them. Seems dumb to toss it in the garbage, and I hate to keep it knowing I will not be making a donation to this charity, and I don't think I should have to pay for the postage to return it. Most of the time I let them sit on the table unopened for a long time. When I finally get around to dusting I usually end up opening the envelope to remove the nickel before I throw it away. I put it in a container of coins that I will donate to the poor during lent.