there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dustin's probably right

Last night, upon hearing that I was in the midst of making pixie hats for the boys, Dustin proclaimed that I was in need of an intervention. I don't think he realizes how right he is.

Sebastian has been asking for a yellow pixie hat since I made the first baby sized one. So, last night I decided to go to knitting night and buy the yarn and get started. Well, of course, Dorian needed one, too. And what color did he want? Brown. Pee and poop. I can't get away from it with these two. I don't think it was even conscious on their parts, it is just who they are right now.

I purchase the yarn and was almost finished with Sebastian's by the time I left an hour later, much to the amazement of some of the women. I get home, put the kids to bed, and finish Sebastian's hat.

Then I feel bad for not having Dorian's done, so I start and finish his also. It was about 3 hours total of knitting, and with 2 rows to go my hands started cramping. But could I stop then? Oh, no. This, of course, meant that I woke up in the middle of the night with my right hand frozen in a painful claw shape.

But look how cute!

And according to Jeremy, this will make me look "magical" in the eyes of the children. I think it will only raise what I believe to be ridiculously high expectations of my abilities.
Speaking of which, I somehow allowed myself to be roped into taking Jeremy's car in for an oil change today. But that lovely minivan in the background of Sebastian's picture was stuck in the driveway. And Jeremy needed to take it to work, so I could take his car. After several failed attempts at pushing it out, Jeremy ended up taking his car with the idea that I would have the van towed out of the icy driveway and then come swap the cars to take his in for the service.
That's not really how things panned out. The emergency road service we have would not cover my working vehicle being towed from my own driveway. I did not want to pay for a tow truck, so I put a call in to my faithful savior Amanda, and went back out to try to dig out. This involved chopping ice with a metal shovel and liberally throwing steel cut oats under the tires to try to get traction. Listen. I didn't have any salt or sand and them oats are gritty. I was trying to be resourceful. I spent about an hour chopping, oating and trying to drive the car until Amanda arrived. I gave her the keys, gave the car one small push and success!
It was a little anticlimactic, but all my other work had obviously paid off. But now I only have 15 minutes to throw Dorian in the car, drive to Jeremy's work, switch cars and drive back the way I came to take the car in. By some small miracle, I made it.
However, I didn't shower yesterday (gross, I know) and now I had spent a very stressful hour doing manual labor and trying to push a car 10x my weight. Therefore, I spent the hour in the waiting room wearing my snow pants and coat, afraid to unzip and fumigate the place with Eau de Hott Sweaty Mama.
And now I get to go bake brownies which are due at school by 3:30 for tomorrow's bake sale.
I need a nap.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I needed a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious.

How many times have I told you, daughter dearest, that you need chill out a little.


princess cortney said...

your stories are great, and i really like the hats. hey, if you get those claws uncramped, i want one in purple, of course! my only wish is that you had named the blog of the day, "Cortney has taught dustin a thing or two about stuff, and that is why he told me this..." is that not a better title. we all know that behind every good men........otherwise poor dustin's head swells, filling the room, depriving claudia and i of our precious oxygen. we can't do that to poor claudia. :) ahh. fells good to be passively agressive to the tall one. we'll see if he is reading these comments. :)

Hott Mama said...

I don't think I helped the claw problem by playing RockBand2 with your mother-in-law, but it was worth it anyhow.

And I'm not making a wool hat for Miss "It's 65 degrees outside". Come back to VT and we'll talk.