there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, December 31, 2007

Free at last!

After years of hard work (mostly Jeremy's) and diligent penny-pinching and financial wizardry (mostly mine), we are finally debt free! I thought it would be nice to start the new year off right, so I paid off the minivan today.
Now we can start actively pursuing getting into lots and lots of debt by buying a house. That is, provided we can find one that
  • wasn't built for midgets.
  • doesn't have train tracks in the front or back yard.
  • doesn't have an electrical substation in the back yard.
  • doesn't have a lumber yard across the street.
  • doesn't have a stipulation involving allowing the seller's family member to live in the attached apartment rent-free for a year.
  • has actual walls and floors.

Unfortunately, the houses currently on the market in our price range suffer from one or more of the above issues. One day...

1 comment:

shawn said...

such great news! happy house hunting!