there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, December 28, 2007


The best thing about school? Most of the rotten children are there most of the time.
The worst thing about school? Christmas vacation

Okay, that's probably not true. It's probably summer vacation. Especially since I don't like to be hot and I certainly don't like to be hot with rotten children around.
We went to KidsPlayce today. And now I'm very tired.
When we got there it was swarming with boys. There were 2 girls, one of whom we already know, and one with whom Sebastian "fell in love". It was complete chaos. The noise died down for approximately 30 minutes before reaching a fever pitch again, this time with all girls and 3 boys. I don't know what was going on. All I know is that I NEVER should have promised the boys we would stay there for 4 hours today. (All this because I felt bad that we arrived on Wednesday to find KidsPlayce closed, resulting in the largest public scene we have created to date.)
At one point I was accosted by another mother who was apparently uncontrollably attracted to everything I had and was doing.
"Oh! What are you knitting?"
"A hat."
"Oh! That's so cool!"
"Oh! I saw that bag [the undeniably cute owl one Jeremy got me for Xmas] at Boomerang! It's so cute!"
"Thanks. It was a gift."
Several minutes later:
"So, you have little ones?"
Apparently, my rapt attention to mindless stockinette stitch was not enough to dissuade her.
"Yes, they are 2 and 5."
"So, the 5 year old is in school?"
"Oh! You are homeschooling?"
"But just 'til next year, right?"
Why would she assume that? "I don't know. I really don't want to send him to kindergarten. He can already read on a 5th grade level. I think it will be a little boring for him."
"Oh! He's a brainiac, huh? That's great!"
Where did this woman come from?!
"But his maturity is probably normal."
I finally just had to pack up my knitting, take my cute bag and walk away.
I thought we sent our kids to school to learn, not just to hang out with kids of their "maturity" level. Oh, and I left out the part in the conversation where she told me she had 3 kids and then slapped herself on the forehead while making a loud "cluck!" with her tongue.

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

way to stay strong and not make new friends! :) just remember that we are way better than everyone else on this meager planet. one day everyone else will realize our genius, and put us back on our pedistals.