there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The napless wonder strikes again

Today, darling Dorian looked exhausted, and having finished his lunch, was ushered off for the nap time routine. Approximately 3 minutes later, the doorknob starts rattling accompanied by the announcement, "I'm done!" He is maybe, but I'm not. Sebastian, king of the lunch hour, is still eating, and Dorian goes out to investigate. "Oh, Bastian... you having apple? I have a bite?" Then, he wanders out to the living room, stuffing Sebastian's crackers in his mouth. Seeing what I was doing was too boring, he heads back to the kitchen. Two minutes go by. Clink! "Who's in the cookie jar?" I call, rushing to block, and tackle if necessary.
Cut to Dorian, cookie jar lid in hand, cookie crumbs all around his grinning, little mouth.

Damn him for being so damned cute that I couldn't help but laugh! This child is a menace. A charming, lovable menace.

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