there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another rest-free weekend

This weekend fell smack in the middle of the boys' two birthdays, hence there has been a lot of excitement around here. Yesterday was their birthday party which went very well, despite my feeling less organized than I should have been. Yesterday was also Rob's birthday, so Mimi babysat so we could go to his chili hoedown. Less than 6 hours of sleep later, it was time to get up again so the kids could have their surprise from Mimi, a trip to the NH version of Chuck E Cheese. That went well also, and after an expensive shopping trip, we stopped by Stonewall Farm where I saw this:

A little hard to read if you don't click on the pictures, but the top cow is named Allison, while the bottom picture features Quinn and Amanda side by side. Coincidence? I hope so.

Then Sebastian fell in the brook in his brand new shoes and it was time to come home.

Please let me have an uneventful evening...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, on an unrelated note, i think i found the perfect holiday gift for you guys. i don't mean to ruin the surprise but

just seemed perfect for y'all. you know Jerry will be a naturale at "toilet-seat tossing." yee-haw!!