there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I haven't been to a party like that in a looong time

Last night, I went to a friend's birthday party and felt like I had been transported back about 10 years. Now, granted, I haven't been to many parties in the last 10 years, what with being wildly unpopular and all. Somehow, Jeremy's work parties aren't usually this exciting. Damn bosses!

At the party, I was witness to the following things:
  • A moody, skinny girl moping about her impending 26th birthday. (Baby!)
  • A doofus who left sort of early, saying, "Happy birthday, but I need to go make my music."
  • Many, many people who I'd never seen before or had seen before but never met.
  • The birthday girl gushing about the babies her guppy had the night before. (They were pretty cute.)
  • The landlord bringing some weed. (I kid you not.)
  • The unveiling of a new, slightly infected tattoo, applied by the owner of the leg it was on with a tattoo needle gun built by this other creepy dude at the party.
It was reminiscent of the time we went to a party at our friend Dylan's and I got to see a penis piercing that had been performed earlier that day. (Seriously, do not click on that if you are at all squeamish or easily offended. Don't say you weren't warned. And the one I saw was all sad and swaddled in gauze.)

1 comment:

RobCartelli said...

it was my kind of party. i mean they had cookies, crackers and cheese, and good lighting. that's my kind of party.