there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Halloween

I managed to get a few things done between fantasies of the candy the boys would be bringing home to me later in the evening. The first was getting Jeremy ready for work. (He still needs help dressing himself on occasion.) Not too far from what he usually wears:
But, look!

Half Casual Jeremy, half The-Board-Is-Coming Jeremy. He actually sewed the shirts together himself with my sewing machine. I really need to cut the rest of his hair today because I cannot look at that monstrosity anymore.
I also laid out all the pieces of the blanket and sewed them together!

I still need to sew in all the loose ends and knit and attach the border. But that didn't stop me from sleeping under it last night. It was just as cozy as I'd hoped.
Now, I need yarn for the next 2 projects: a honeycomb hat for Dorian and a pink kitty named "Kiki" for Sebastian. And I'm still a little in denial about Christmas coming and the several babies friends have on the way...

1 comment:

shawn said...

fantastic costume and pretty blanket! i was thinking about making a blanket like that, but only got as far as one patch.