there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When it's the dead of winter, I'll wish for this much activity...

Just a little taste of today:

8am-9am: Make healthy snack at school. Requires cutting the largest carrots I've ever seen into about 3lbs of carrot sticks and cutting apples in half.

9-11:30: Playdate for Dorian/awesome gossip session for me. I must remind myself that having a friend who is a cop's wife is a very good thing. I'm sure Martha Stewart would agree.

11:30-3:30: Come home to make lunch and share aforementioned gossip with my two best gossip recipients. Catch up on email, blog, get some little things done.

3:30-4: Stand on street corner freezing butt off waiting for school bus.

4-4:30: Feed school child copious amounts of snacks before...

4:40: Dropping him off at appointment and returning home to...

4:50-5:30: Make healthy dinner instead of the junk food I seem to be constantly craving these days.

5:35-6:45: Eat dinner, help with homework, etc.

6:45-8: Go to PTA meeting

8pm-?: Escape PTA after-chat to rush over to good old Walker Farm for some RockBand 2.

And you ask yourself why I'm the Hott Mama...

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