there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Xmas gift #2

I just cast on for the second Xmas project, and it is way different from the way I usually do things. It is a scarf. (This isn't really a spoiler, as it was a request. But there will be no pictures until after it is received.)

Normally when I knit a scarf, I cast on the width (+/- 20 stitches) and just keep plugging away until it is long enough. Well, the design I chose (and was ratified by 2 other members of the household) needs to be knit the other way: lengthwise. Which means that I cast on 305 stitches. Lordy, lordy.

I keep trying to remind myself that this means I only need to knit 19 rows and it will be done. But it is too easy to do the math and see that I will be knitting 5,795 stitches overall, not including the 305 cast on and the 305 to bind off. I don't usually know that sort of information, so I can just be blissful in my ignorance. No such luck this time.

Only 18 rows to go...


jamie said...

i think you need some sort of countdown widget in the "by the numbers" section so we can follow along. might also be nice for you to see the numbers head toward zero.

Hott Mama said...

Ask and ye shall receive... a stitch widget. Only 13 rows to go, including bind off. I have to say that worse even than knowing how many stitches was looking up at the clock on the DVD player last night to see that the easy rows were taking about 20 minutes, but the more difficult row took twice that!