there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So I wasn't entirely truthful...

You know how just 2 or 3 short days ago I showed you all a little tease of someone's Xmas present and said something about how there would be no more personal projects for a little while? Well, that was sort of a lie. Okay, it was a lie. Sue me.

I had already started this project a few days ago with the yarn left over from the hat, scarf and wrist warmer set that I made and didn't show you. So it isn't like I started a whole new personal project or anything. Here are the new winter woollies:

Anyway, I love that scarf. I pretty much wear it all the time. Especially because I'm afraid to spend too much on oil this winter so it's always freezing in our house. (Unless someone is coming over. Don't worry, I mostly only torture myself.) I love the yarn from the scarf and I had 4 skeins left, so I decided to make a little short sleeved sweater with it. Well, this is what I came up with:

Perhaps if I would bother to use a pattern, I might make something slightly more flattering for myself. I also did not really have enough to make the sweater as long as it should be for me. Oh, well. It's a 2x2 rib to the breast, then stockinette for the top.
Then I used my paltry crochet skills to make a ruffly collar and "sleeves". Once again, not quite enough yarn for what I had in mind.
Here it is on me:

I'm sucking in the gut in case you can't tell. If I don't, the effect is far less pleasant, and it's silly enough right there. So what do I do with this thing? Keep it? Or try to sell it to someone with a smaller frame?


princess cortney said...

allison, know that what i will tell you, i say out of love. that sweater....can i buy it for claudia's birthday?

Clockwatcher said...

Totally cute! You got mad skillz. That's right. I typed skillz.

q said...

you look hott as usual, but i don't know if you'll actually wear it in real life. i say keep it for a few months and see if you wear it, if not then sell it.