there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another step toward cloth

Now that we have mostly eliminated plastic bags from our life, I have been looking askance at our paper consumption. We don't use a ton of paper products. Considering we have two drippy children, the fact that one roll of paper towels lasts a couple of months is pretty amazing. But I do find myself using a lot of tissues-- as tissues and napkins and small spill cleaners. We go through probably 80-100 tissues per week, which seems like a lot.

We own a handful of cloth napkins, but they hadn't seen much action since the kids were born. So, I decided to put some of my extra fabric to good use, and yesterday, Sebastian helped me make some napkins out of scraps left over from Dorian's quilt. There are 2 of each of the 3 fabrics. I will probably make more, but 6 seemed like enough for one day.


Clockwatcher said...

Very cute! Are you going to blow your nose into them?

Hott Mama said...

Whatever's necessary...