there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, May 1, 2008

That genius rating?

It obviously applies solely to this blog (and even that is debatable) and not to my life in general.

I walked out of my house this morning without my keys or my wallet. And locked the door behind me.

I did this. Me. The person who, every day for the last 4 years of living here, has been so compulsive about whether or not she has her keys that she will put them in a purse or pocket, check 10 times whether they are actually in there, and still have to touch them while pulling the door closed.

I am not exaggerating. It is a sickness.

And yet today, I not only cured myself of that sickness, but didn't even realize that I didn't have the keys until I was on my way home, 5 hours later (walking, as you may have guessed). Luckily, I had (also foolishly) left the rear exterior and interior door unlocked, so we were able to get in. I definitely would not have wanted to be stuck outside with 2 kids for the next 3 hours until Jeremy arrived home from work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have inherited your compulsive checking from me. You and your brother used to make fun of me because I kept checking the door to see if it was locked, checked to make sure the burners on the stove were off, etc. Sorry
