there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I will never be America's Next Top Model

It was time for my driver's license renewal and I felt ready. The form that came in the mail said I could send a check and have them use my old picture from 4 years ago. I also could have opted for no picture at all (yes, that is an option in VT), but while that may feel like living the dream, it is not entirely practical.

I did not want to use my old picture at all. My hair's a bit shaggy. I'm wearing a button down shirt with a small plaid pattern. I look like (gasp!) a mom. I know that I am a mom, but really, that picture is almost a caricature. I had my hair cut on Friday and felt totally prepared to replace that picture with a new one.

The first picture she took, she said my glasses "made it too dark" so I needed to take them off. I wasn't excited about this because I can't see more than 4 inches in front of my face and I know I look confused and blind without my glasses. She takes the second picture, admonishes me for not smiling, and tells me it will be a couple of minutes.

I would take that mom picture back if I could. I really would. It wasn't the glasses making it too dark, it was the circles completely around my eyes, not just under. Instead of a mom picture, I have the mugshot of a mildly retarded raccoon with a bouffant.

Why did I renew for 4 years?


Crispin H. Glover said...

Aren't the judges on ANTM always looking for a beauty who is a little bit off? Maybe mildy retarded raccoons with bouffants are next year's definition of fierce.

Jimbama said...

So will you be posting this picture?

princess cortney said...

that is nothing. i have a forehead so large you could show drive in movies on it, i have a weird red glow, and i look so stupid. really. like there is no thought going through that gigantic cranium of mine. i'll show you; you'll feel way better about your glamour shot. trust me.