there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, May 31, 2008

To be 5 years old

Here we are, halfway through Sebastian's year of being 5. It certainly hasn't all been easy.

Five has been a time of discoveries: of self, of reality vs. fantasy, of monetary values and property, of physical boundaries. It has been a bit difficult at times to live with, especially with that sassy mouth. The big ideas that lead to big messes. The reluctance to do what is asked, coupled with the annoyance that it hasn't been done. The resurgence of the many questions "why?"

But 5 is still so little. Five still wants snuggles. Five is willing to proudly wear clothes Mama made. And five is still not very self-conscious.

Today, as our groceries were being bagged and Daddy was paying, Sebastian stood by the manager's podium. At first, twirling slowly one arm outstretched, then gaining speed with two robot arms chopping. Then slowing again in preparation to scuttle toward the door, hands clacking like crab claws.

It was so joyous and natural and sweet and ridiculous (and so miraculously not in anyone's way) that all I could do was smile.

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